Barely Decent - Gilded Caress
~Gilded Caress~
A simple gilded leaf underwear set meant as core concept for much bigger stuff in the future!
Come visit our discord to see the Work-In-Progress!
* For Miqote, Au'ra, Hyur, Roe, Elezen, Viera!
* Made for Gen3, based on Freyja V4 body!
* Better Pubes Framework compatible!
* Best used in conjunction with Penumbra.
- TOP: Coeurl Beach Halter - Bra
- BOTTOM: Coeurl Beach Tanga - Panties
Colourset Information:
Row 16 - Dyable Main
Size Information:
Top is sized at Freyja v4 Large, and fitted for Freyja v4 Hips!
Leggings are fitted for Freyja v4 Hips.
Gloves are fitted for Freyja v4 Top.
Contributor Information:
Astrild for the Freyja body parts!
TitanFirm for TF3 Gen 3 texture and thin legs!
Thanks to Chiral, Mirage and everyone for testing!
Questions? Comments? Outfit suggestions?
- Come join of our discord community here =>
3.9 MB
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